Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Developmental Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Developmental Psychology - Essay Example High-risk sexual behaviour may result from these and a combination of other factors. Unprotected sex, for instance, may lead to HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases. An absence of any of the contraceptive methods may also lead to pregnancy for teen girls, It is estimated that one of every six sexually active teen girls becomes pregnant (Kail, 2008, p. 336). The book lists four factors that contribute to high-risk sexual behaviour. These are ignorance, illusion of invulnerability (when the adolescent feels that the sexually transmitted disease or pregnancy could not happen to her), lack of motivation (desiring to become pregnant for the wrong reasons), and lack of access (inability to secure contraceptives). Schools should be mandated to hold sexual education classes for their adolescent students. Students who get sexually promiscuous do so not solely because they have learned sex in school, but because of influences in mass media and other elements they are exposed to. In other words, sexual activity will occur with or without sex education classes. However, without knowing the biological reasons and ways of dealing with what they feel, students will be more at a loss as to how to protect themselves. What needs to be emphasized is that they should be responsible for their actions, and they have the choice to refuse to have sex even in the face of peer pressure. For sex education to be withheld from adolescents is not only irresponsible, but potentially dangerous for them. Drawing on material from the text, respond to the following questions. The text discusses the "myth" that adolescence is a time of storm and stress. This has been the popular view for many years. Discuss the authors conclusions. Do you agree with their view? What have been your own experiences regarding this issue, either yourself or as a parent? According to the authors, Kail & Cavanaugh, the rebellious teen is

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